Monday, 17 November 2014

Planning- Location

The location for my filming is going to be a very hard to find and plan, which keeping within Health and Safety regulations. But I have done some research into places around Norwich I could film in, but if I can't find something perfect and safe, I might have to use somewhere not perfect and make it more dystopian.

Below is a mind map of the main things I need my location to do and be for my production and I hope to find somewhere that meets those needs.

After doing some research on the internet to find suitable places, I came across a few that seem a good option. (Click images to link to the page online about the building)

This area is more appropriate than the nursery  shown below, as it has the industrial look to it, which is something a lot of rock/heavy metal music videos feature. However there is a very obvious, big health and safety issue. Looking at the photographs on this website there are a lot of structurally unsound, however I wont really know how bad it is until I see the location, if I choose too.  
This is an abandoned nursery in Norwich that as it says on the website is 'Possibly the closest I will ever get to a zombie apocalypse!', however I'm not sure if it's gonna have the right feel for my work. I want somewhere that looks abandoned and dystopian, but I feel with this location because there is still children toys etc around, I'd have to clear all that up and tidy the area up before filming in it.
One difficulty with the both of these locations is trying to find exactly where they are. On these websites authors are often very secretive about where the buildings are which could prove to be difficult when trying to find it. 

Another option I have is to find somewhere less derelict and abandoned, and make it feel more dystopian by the way I film and construct the location. One option would be to look into filming in a local pub called the B2. The band often play in this venue, and it is a small room situated behind a pub, and has a dark dingy look to it. The fact the venue i small, it could be an advantage as it means I don't have to worry about making sure I have lots, and lots of actors for zombies to fill the space. 

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